Online Forms

Here are some forms that are required for the following subject areas.

New Student Registration

New students who are starting the first semester are required to fill and return the following form. [New Student Registration Form]

Enrollment Verification

This form is required to confirm that you are a student at GMU. [New Student Registration Form]

Continuing Students

Continuing Students registering for the next semester are required to fill and return the following form. [Continuing Student Registration]

Clinical Rotation Request

If you have a clinical rotation request and would like to submit online, click the following link. [Clinical Request Rotation Form]

Clinical Evaluation

You may fill this out and submit it online for your clinical evaluation. [Clinical Evaluation Form]

Application for Exit Examination

This form is required for your exit examination. [Exit Examination Application Form]

Transcript Request

If you have a transcript request and would like to submit online, click the following link. [Transcript Request Form]

Letter of Completion Request

Fill this out to request an official letter of study completion from GMU. [Letter of Completion Request Form]

Graduation / Degree Request

If you have a graduation/degree request and would like to submit online, click the following link. [Graduation/Degree Request Form]

Class / Semester Withdrawal

If you have a class/semester withdrawal request and would like to submit online, click the following link. [Class/Semester Withdrawal Form]

Re-Admission Request

If you have a re-admission request and would like to submit online, click the following link. [Re-Admission Request Form]

MSPE / Dean’s Letter Request

If you have a MSPE/Dean’s letter request and would like to submit online, click the following link. [Mspe/Dean’s Letter Request Form]

Leave Of Absence Request

If you have a leave of absence request and would like to submit online, click the following link. [Leave Of Absence Request Form]

Counselor Referral

If you would like to see a counselor here is the form you need to fill in order to initiate the process. [Conselor Referral Form]

Scholarship Application

All students should note that they must first apply for admission to the University before they can be considered for a Scholarship. [Scholar Application Form]

Payment Plan Application

If you are interested to set up a payment plan, here is the application form. [Payment Plan Application Form]

Payment Plan Agreement

This form outlines your agreed periodic tuition installments with GMU. [Payment Plan Agreement Form]




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