
MU Graduation Event in Guyana.

At GreenHeart Medical University, we strongly feel that academic excellence is worthy of recognition, which we seek with a priority.

Understanding that financial limitations should not be a hindrance in educational goals of candidates showing strong academic capacity, GreenHeart will directly provide and/or arrange for sponsors to offer tuition assistance in form of scholarships to deserving and qualified new student candidates requiring Financial Assistance.

The university will offer and arrange (from sponsors) scholarships for deserving and qualified students who have acquired a GPA of 4.0 in their high school and also those who have attained more than 95% of marks from an accredited secondary school program.
Special considerations are also given to minority candidates including Amerindians and those with a background in active service.

National Candidates requesting scholarships should exhibit strong academic background, interest and potential and/or should be from a deserving socio-economic background.

International candidates requesting scholarship should exhibit a strong academic background, showing academic potential and a need for financial assistance.

At this time GMU offers only a limited number of Partial Scholarships to deserving and qualified national and international candidates, upon due process of testing and verification.

Scholarships offered would only cover tuition for the undergraduate and pre-clinical level of education.  Clinical education and clerkship will not be covered by the award.

Any scholarship that is offered by the university will be for one time only as a non-transferable award subject to review of academic performance each semester and overall good standing status with the university.

Academic Potential Considerations:

A number of factors will be considered in evaluating a candidate’s academic strength. To name a few

  • More than 95% of marks from a regionally accredited secondary program
  • High School GPA of 3.5 or above
  • SAT scores of 1750 or above
  • MCAT Scores of 25 and above

Depending on the level of their education, scholarship candidates may be required to take a knowledge aptitude test to prove their academic potential. Here is the application form for Guyanese Students.

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